It is undeniable that as of this year, the basic process of de-globalization has been ongoing for roughly a decade. The further divergence of the global economic development pattern is, therefore, an indisputable fact. As for the countries and regions that are likely to take the leading positions in the future global economic landscape, many differ
pyramidal stone thought to either
There is no physical evidence supporting the origin stories of these shrines and the historical speculations surrounding them—no excavated or identified baetyl was a meteor. Other descriptions of baetyls are regularly just rock or even simply mounds of earth. The same stands true for the Egyptian Benben stone—a black pyramidal stone thought to
identified site where meteoritic
This as well as the context in which most Bronze Age meteoritic iron was found suggests that its rarity in part made it a highly valued commodity. This changed with the Iron Age, while meteoritic iron remained rare, terrestrial iron became more common and the early Iron Age cemetery site in Poland is the only identified site where meteoritic iron w
prosperous sovereign Ukraine
While the draft includes no specific security guarantees, AFP quoted a “senior Ukrainian source” as saying “there is a general clause that says America will invest in a stable and prosperous sovereign Ukraine, that it works for a lasting peace, and that America supports efforts to guarantee security.” Amid tension between the United States
multiple news reports quoting
The deal would cover the joint development of Ukraine’s critical minerals and other natural resources, such as oil and gas, according to multiple news reports quoting unidentified sources in the Ukrainian government. The reports said the agreement was a framework for a broad economic deal that would include the exploitation of rare earth minerals